Ceramic Hotel Tableware Sales in iCeremicTableware.com
There is certainly a difference between porcelain tableware and other ceramic tableware. It is sometimes referred to as a quality difference, but it might be better to call it a suitability difference. The suitability of both porcelain tableware and ceramic tableware greatly depends on the situation in which they will be used.
Technically, of course, porcelain tableware are just one category of ceramic tableware. Other categories include pottery, stoneware, earthenware, and so on. Ceramic simply refers to “any product (as earthenware, porcelain, or brick) made essentially from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by firing at a high temperature.” Colloquially, most people speak of ceramic tableware as any kind of clay product that is not porcelain. The categories can become quite blurred in everyday speech. However, the differences between various types of ceramic tableware simply depend on the clay from which they are made and the temperature at which they are fired. For your information, iCeramicTableware uses the finest quality of formulated porcelain clay with the non toxic plumbum (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) ceramic glaze; burnt at the temperature of 1350 degree Celsius for the porcelain tableware and at the 1250 degree Celsius for the ceramic tableware.
Our porcelain tableware are made from high kaolin clay and fired at temperatures as high as 1350 degree Celsius. This makes an exceptionally white ceramic and can make very thin-walled vessels. For a long time, porcelain was referred to as “china” or “fine china” because the process was developed in China; Europeans tried to duplicate this kind of ceramic for over 200 years before developing a fair imitation. Because porcelain was so rare and coveted in Europe, it was quite valuable at the time. The connotation of value and exclusivity has clung to the term “china”, and the term “porcelain” is often used loosely as an indicator of high quality ceramics.
Another difference between porcelain tableware and other kinds of ceramic tableware is the thickness of the clay sides. Porcelain tableware are thin enough to be translucent when held up to light; they have a particularly smooth texture, a beautiful luster, and they are comparatively lightweight and fragile. Other ceramic tableware have thicker sides (although the degree of thickness will vary), they are always opaque, and they are comparatively heavy and sturdy. They lend themselves both to folk designs and to sleek, modern designs. Because of the thick sides, they retain heat longer than other tableware.
The choice between porcelain tableware and other ceramic tableware should be made on the basis of suitability. Porcelain tableware are good choices when durability is not a major concern and an air of elegance is desired. Other ceramic tableware are good choices when practical, sturdy tableware are needed.