What’s this? This Halloween, instead of sucking up to Sandy Claws, pay homage to the Skeleton King with these madness inducing lemon and chocolate pinwheels.
Nightmare Preceding Your Winter Holiday Pinwheels of Madness
1 cup + 2 tbsp butter
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
4 teaspoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons milk
3 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tbsp milk
6 tablespoons cocoa
1 tsp yellow food coloring
1 tsp blue food coloring
Mix your cocoa powder with 2 tbsp melted butter, 2 tbsp milk, and 1 tsp blue food coloring. It should end up a Halloweeny blue-black.
Mix baking powder, sugar, and salt until they look like that festive Christmas “snow.”
Cream butter, sugar, and egg yolks as violently as Ooogie Boogie taking down his enemies then divide the butter mix in half.
Add your melancholy moony lemon juice and yellow food coloring to to one half.
Add your nightmare inducing cocoa mix to the other half.
Divide the snowy flour mix in half. Add one half ot the lemon mix and one half to the chocolate mix.
Beat each mix until it’s as uniform as a boring, traditional holiday.
Put both doughs in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
When you retrieve them, roll each dough between 2 sheets of waxed paper to form a neat rectangle. Trim the edges as neatly as Sally trims her seams.
Place the chocolate layer on top of the lemon layer.
Roll the cookie dough as tight as possible. You can refrigerate it now for up to 2 days if you’re busy planning your Halloween costume.
Once you have a madness inducing spiral, cut the log into 1 inch rounds placed 2 inches apart on a well greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 350F for 9-11 minutes.
These cookies are best served on a moon shaped circle of lemon curd while serenading the doll of your dreams.