Ceramic utensils emit the least harmful substances into food, and do not react with it. Currently, porcelain tableware is used even in pharmaceutical production that requires special cleanliness and safety. It is also widely used in dentistry by dentist in Crawley.
Ceramics in dentistry
Ceramics in the dental industry began to gain popularity in the 18th century due to its higher aesthetic characteristics compared to other materials. The Parisian pharmacist Alexis Duchateau literally opened up the prospects of ceramics in dentistry by making piece teeth as part of a prosthesis from porcelain and ceramic masses. Later, in 1903, Charles Land contributed to the further introduction of ceramics into the dental industry, proposing to make onlay and inlay from it, as well as piece single crowns. All this led to the spread of a new type of restoration - jacketed crowns lined with ceramics.
Good dentist
The use of ceramics in dentistry has many advantages, but it is important to remember that a lot also depends on the choice of a specialist. A good dentist is first and foremost a qualified specialist who can be fully trusted in matters of treatment. In addition to professionalism, he must be honest, pleasant in communication, courteous, accessible, ready to patiently and in detail explain aspects of the treatment that are incomprehensible to the patient.
Hygiene first
Although it is difficult for an ordinary patient to check compliance with sanitary standards in a clinic, it can be assessed by indirect signs. The behavior of the doctor will tell a lot: how thoroughly he washes his hands, whether he uses disposable gloves before the procedure, whether he removes them after manipulations in the mouth. In this regard, one can observe the assistant, the hygiene kits and instruments used, and the situation in the clinic.
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels